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oljomo assewo

ARTEM FINANCE - Analysis of Digital Lending Ecosystem

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Nowadays, we can not ignore the exploration of blockchain technology. It has been developing day by day. A lot of platforms have been born to improve the technology system and push the blockchain era up to a new level.

At present, blockchain technology has been going through 4 periods: 1.0; 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. We can define every period’s strengths and weaknesses easily. It is better after a period. Therefore, the 4.0 system includes all of the best of the technology, more strengths and fewer limitations.

For more detailed information, in the decentralized finance market, there is a bright project that is like a star on the blockchain sky – Artem Finance. It will make you be satisfied when investing it.

1.   General Information about Artem Finance

The full name of Artem Finance project is Artem Finance Protocol. Artem was born to upgrade the financial sectors of the Financial Platform of Artem. As a decentralized platform of the digital banking system, Artem is considered as a saviour of limited existing financial sectors.

Artem Finance mission is to improve the transformation of financial and billing processes. Its main function is collecting all of the information stored in a decentralized authentication ledger. So, users will not be costed in transforming. It means that payments fee will be cheaper, safer based on automation capabilities and more convenient.

Tend to develop a project that can use easily and generally on over the world, Draken tries to make the best security system for user. Besides, speed, efficient transactions and updates technologies are also especially considered in the decentralized finance sector.


2.   Why is Artem Finance a bright star in the blockchain sky?

Artem Finance has been taking a lot of actions before published to the community, so that, it is a trusted real project. Artem Finance platform brings you many advantages that you can believe and use for your platform.

-      As mentioned above, Artem Finance has been marinated its coin – ARTT – before published the information to the community. That means ARTT is absolutely real. Users will not be vagued about the statement of this project in the complex market.

-     ARTT has been developed based on modern blockchain technology 4.0 separately. It allows you to build your own platform.

-      As talked, the cost of Artem Finance is nearly 1.3$. With Artem Finance system, you can use a free transaction. The smart fee is applied in ARTT function. Therefore, your transaction will be very cheap. Futhermore, without anny disturbing, you can comfortably use the ARTT system smoothly and no worry about blockchain’s spam.

-      ARTT is not an anonymous blockchain but it can provide you with an anonymous transaction if you want. Nobody can know about your information, such as the amount of transacting, time and private information of the sender and receiver.

-      The success of ETH is built based on the number of shareholders and the Dapps makers. Shareholders are the people who hold a large number of coins. Artem Finance includes the Proof-of-honor (PoH) for consensus mechanism that can ranks nodes by "number of ARTT holdings" and "number of transactions that node handles". ARTT creates profitable mining that stimulated and faired for the shareholders and producers of Dapps.

-      Nowadays, many projects use smart contract technology as an indispensable function for the trend of automating transactions in today's popular blockchains such as ETH, EOS, TRON, Stellar, … So does ARTT. Its smart contract offers optimized, secure, automated and transaction options for DeFi application.

-      The development of Blockchain is transforming from secure and uncontrolled asset storage, into a new era of platforms, which can serve many of the world's richest financial sectors. That is the reason why it is essential to demonstrate the viability of that blockchain for creating an application ecosystem around Blockchain technology.

-      One of the most important factor in ETH’s success is ecosystem tokens. They built more than 98% of all cryptocurrencies on the market being used in Dapps, decentralized applications. The ability to generate tokens and a reward mechanism has been provided by ARTT smart contract when the token node has multiple transactions.

-      About the speed of transaction in ARTT systems, Artem Finance transactions actually take 1-3 seconds. Because there is a powerful PoH algorithm, ARTT Chain is capable of reaching 5000 transactions/second, block closing time is 2s.

-      The strategy of Draken Group is moving towards decentralized financial products in the future. That is the reason why blockchain Artem Finance platform and a set of tools were used to build DeFi products on Artem Finance, such as savings, payment applications, loans, accounting system, automatic... - a complete DeFi ecosystem.

-      Because it is cross-platform blockchains, Artem Finance is open to encourages and supports most people with expertise and ideas to build Dapps to contribute.




📌Artem: https://artem.finance/

📌Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artem_Protocol

📌Telegram: https://t.me/ArtemProtocol


Published by assewoclubs


wallet address: 0x6aF977dcFfAc466EA04bA0de4520d71723979b4B

Proof of Participation Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5291124.msg55689654#msg55689654

3.   Ending

All of the advantages that Artem Finance brings to you proves my advice – Artem Financeis a bright project for your investment.



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