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General Presentation

Lots of positive development has happened in Crypto industry since early 2019 when DeFi technology entered into the industry. So far, the growth of the industry hasn't been a smooth journey because there has been a lot of ups and downs.
Decentralized Finance known as DeFi has emerged as a game-changing concept and sector in Crypto space which has captured lots of Global investors attention and helps in the mission of Crypto global adoption. New blockchain startups and existing blockchain platform have been integrating DeFi into their various ecosystem so as to improve their operational standard and offering the global users more versatile and efficient blockchain services. There still exist some crypto users who believe investing in Bitcoin is the height of investment in Crypto space. Majority of them have not heard about DeFi nor explore the potential of the technology. For those class of people, I will briefly explain what Decentralized Finance known as DeFi is all about. Artem Finance building the next Gen Defi Blockchain

Taking a brief look Of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Decentralized Finance (Defi) without a doubt will take cryptocurrency into the mainstream through the entire industry is still very young compared to some industries that have been existing for countless decades. The services rendered by Financial institutions like Banks, Cooperative Society, Loans and Mortgage institutions, Insurance Companies and Security and Exchanges floors are regarded as Financial services but all these services are rendered in a centralized system with the aid of human resources. Decentralized Financial ecosystem (DeFi) functions in contrast to this. DeFi offers all these services offered in the Centralized Financial setup but in a decentralized system. This simply means services such as Savings, Lending, Insurance, Trading, and many more are also available in DeFi set up but rendered using Blockchain decentralization approach. The services are powered and rendered via a Powerful and highly scalable blockchain DApps. The flexibility of this DeFi DApps allows users to carry out any form of financial services of their choice by interacting with the DApps. The DApps is powered on blockchain Smart Contract and this allows the DApps to function autonomously and accurately without requiring any form of human intervention in the management of the entire financial services.

In this publication, I will be discussing Artem DeFi Ecosystem. Let's go now into the real business. As stated in the previous paragraph, the Crypto industry is a nascent industry and has faced some challenges which make it becoming stronger and vibrant. Problems such as insecurity, Lower blockchain scalability and lack of basic infrastructures have been the major barriers encountered by the industry. Some few years back, Ethereum blockchain emerged with its revolutionary technology to offer a blockchain infrastructure to support the progress of the industry. Not quite long, The team of Artem GROUP consist of FinTech experts. Having observed the loopholes in the existing blockchain networks, they have resolved to develop the next-generation blockchain ecosystem so as to change the entire narrative in Crypto space and offering cost-efficient, highly scalable and most secured blockchain platform.


The existing problems in the crypto sphere has lead to the solution innovated by Artem ecosystem. As stated earlier, the crypto industry lacked adequate infrastructure which will facilitate the global adoption. For cryptocurrency to reach the mainstream, there must be an enabling infrastructure that will prompt easier, quicker and cheaper access to cryptocurrencies. Higher transaction cost associated with blockchain transaction will not help the mission of global adoption. Besides, the slow transaction speed will not be of any assistance either. There must be flexibility in the use of cryptocurrencies, hence removing the existing complexities attached to the use. All these problems have been tackled and solved by Artem Group. The team are visionary leaders in the crypto industry who support the mission of global adoption. In a bid to solve all these problems, 

Another fantastic feature of ArtemFinance is transaction anonymity. Decentralization principle indicates every one has the right to whatever belongs to them. They have the right to financial privacy. ArtemFinance allows transactions anonymity. This means users can simply opt to keep their transactions anonymous in which the system will keep the transaction history non-public.

Artem Finance DeFi Ecosystem
Artem has not taken the least position in Crypto space. The company is leveraging the advantages of DeFi to boost users experience and profitability. Users of ArtemFinance platform will have access to the booming DeFi products via the platform. ArtemFinance DeFi ecosystem consists of the following products:



The team of Artem Finance consist of Fin-tech experts with a decade of experience and a high level of expertise. Having observed the loopholes in the existing blockchain networks, they have resolved to develop the next-generation blockchain ecosystem so as to change the entire narrative in Crypto space and offering cost-efficient, highly scalable and most secured blockchain platform. Artem is the blockchain ecosystem of the future. Be part of the future.


Visit The Link Below For Further Information:

Artem: https://artem.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artem_Protocol
Telegram: https://t.me/ArtemProtocol


Username at Bitcoinalk: budimyrr

Bitcointalk Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2847606


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The existing problems in the crypto sphere has lead to the solution innovated by Artem ecosystem. As stated earlier, the crypto industry lacked adequate infrastructure which will facilitate the global adoption. For cryptocurrency to reach the mainstream, there must be an enabling infrastructure that will prompt easier, quicker and cheaper access to cryptocurrencies.  Exact Citrix 1Y0-241 Exam Questions

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