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Seeking Justice in the UK: Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims and Your Legal Rights

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If you’re diagnosed with cancer, it can be a terrifying experience. You may be worried about your treatment and how this will affect your life in the long term. But what if the NHS failed to diagnose your illness or disease? If you were misdiagnosed with cancer, then this could mean that you are receiving the wrong treatment or being given no treatment at all. In these situations, it’s important to know what steps to take next because misdiagnosis can have serious consequences for your health and wellbeing.

What is a misdiagnosis claim?

A cancer misdiagnosis claim is a legal action that can be taken by patients who have received negligent medical treatment. In this case, negligence occurs when doctors fail to diagnose a patient’s illness properly or on time. A doctor who misdiagnoses an illness may also be liable for any resulting complications, such as additional surgery or long-term health problems.

If you think that you’ve been misdiagnosed and would like to pursue legal action, there are several things that must be considered first:

  • What type of negligence claim are you making? Doctors can be held responsible for breaching their duty of care in several different ways such as failing to diagnose correctly or negligently performing surgery on an incorrect part of the body (this is known as “wrong site surgery”). If this happens while treating cancer patients – causing further harm – then our solicitors will help guide them through every step until they reach resolution.* How much compensation could I receive? Compensation awards vary depending on each individual case but typically range between £5k-£250k per person per year spent fighting against cancer without knowing what was wrong with them.* What should I do next? You should contact us today so we can take some basic details from which point one of our experienced team members will call back within 24 hours!


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