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To pass the Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam, you should follow these steps:

1: Review the exam guide and blueprint: The Salesforce ADM-201 Exam Guide provides you with all the details about the exam, including topics, format, and sample questions. Make sure you review the blueprint to understand what is covered on the exam.
2: Study the official Salesforce ADM-201 study materials: Salesforce provides official study materials, including Trailhead modules and documentation. These materials cover all the topics tested in the exam and provide you with a good understanding of the Salesforce platform.
3: Take practice exams: Practice exams are an excellent way to prepare for the ADM-201 certification exam. They can help you identify areas where you need to improve and get you used to the format and style of the exam questions.
4: Join study groups and engage with the Salesforce community: Joining a study group can help you learn from others and get support during your exam preparation. You can also engage with the Salesforce community by attending events, webinars, and forums.
5: Get hands-on experience: The best way to learn is by doing, so get hands-on experience with Salesforce. Create your own Salesforce instance, or get access to a sandbox and practice creating custom objects, workflows, reports, and dashboards.
6: Know the exam format: The ADM-201 exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, and you have 105 minutes to complete it. The passing score is 65%, which means you need to get 39 out of 60 questions correct.
7: Stay calm and focused during the exam: Take deep breaths, stay calm, and read the questions carefully. Don't rush through the exam, and make sure you answer all the questions.

By following these steps, you can prepare effectively for the ADM-201 certification exam and increase your chances of passing it. Good luck!

Get SalesForce ADM-201 Exam 2023: https://www.dumpsspot.com/salesforce/adm-201-dumps.html

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