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  1. What is NFT? The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Tokens. Simply put, an NFT is an entry in a blockchain, which is a decentralized digital ledger technology similar to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Because of the irreplaceable nature of NFTs, it means that they can be used to represent something unique, such as the original Mona Lisa painting in a museum, or the ownership of a piece of land. $500,000 "Nyan Cat" Although mainstream crypto assets such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are also recorded in the blockchain, the difference between NFT and the previous two is that any NFT token is irreplaceable and indivisible. When you buy an NFT token, it means you get its indelible record of ownership and the right to use the actual asset. For example, if you buy a piece of art, it can be displayed and copied, but only you are its actual owner. NFT is a "unique" asset in the digital world. It can be bought and sold and used to represent some commodities in the real world, but the way it exists is intangible. Currently, most of them are digital artworks or collectible cards. Some are virtual goods, while others are packaged in common formats like JPEG and PDF. Only a few NFT tokens are a digital record of physical ownership. China's NFT concept stocks mainly include three categories currently: 1. Trading platform: HOLLY COOPERATION, BORAY, EleFirst Science &Tech Co., Ltd., Huamei Holding CO., LTD., Tangel Publishing Co., Ltd., etc. 2. Intellectual property protection: VISUAL CHINA GROUP, ANNE CORPORATION LIMITED, Xinhuanet, people.cn, HANBANGGAOKE, Electronic Certification Authority Co., Ltd., Jetsen Technology Co., Ltd., ST Shunli, etc.; 3. Trading system: DFE Co., Ltd., Hengbao CO., LTD., Forms Syntron, Changshan Beiming, etc. Wanna invest in top NFTs? Learn more about the JTeam NFT project: JTeam is an e-sports team founded by Jay Chou in Taipei. It owns professional teams such as the “League of Legends” division, “League of Legends Mobile Games” division, “Game For Peace” division, and “Naraka: Bladepoint” division. It has made remarkable achievements in e-sports. For the first sale of 1000 NFTs and the gift of Fans Medal, please refer to: 1. About JTeam NFT: Click here to enter the official website 2. How to participate in the JTeam NFT Project 3. About the release of J Fans Fans Medal and Champion J Club NFT 4.Tw:https://twitter.com/jfans_space
  2. Digital currency can be considered as a virtual currency based on node network and digital encryption algorithm. The core characteristics of digital currency mainly reflect three aspects: 1. Due to some open algorithms, the digital currency has no issuer, so no one or institution can control its issuance; 2. Since the number of algorithm solutions is determined, the total amount of digital currency is fixed, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of inflation caused by the excessive issuance of virtual currency; 3. Since the transaction process requires the approval of each node in the network, the transaction process of digital currency is sufficiently secure. The emergence of Bitcoin presents a huge challenge to the existing monetary system. Although it belongs to virtual currency in a broad sense, it is essentially different from virtual currency issued by network enterprises, so it is called digital currency. Digital currency is compared with electronic currency and virtual currency from the aspects of the issuer, the scope of application, issuance quantity, storage form, circulation method, credit guarantee, transaction cost, transaction security, etc. Wanna invest in top NFTs? Learn more about the JTeam NFT project: JTeam is an e-sports team founded by Jay Chou in Taipei. It owns professional teams such as the “League of Legends” division, “League of Legends Mobile Games” division, “Game For Peace” division, and “Naraka: Bladepoint” division. It has made remarkable achievements in e-sports. For the first sale of 1000 NFTs and the gift of Fans Medal, please refer to: 1. About JTeam NFT: Click here to enter the official website 2. How to participate in the JTeam NFT Project 3. About the release of J Fans Fans Medal and Champion J Club NFT 4.Tw:https://twitter.com/jfans_space
  3. 什么是NFT NFT是非同质化通证(Non-Fungible Token)的缩写。区别于比特币、以太坊等可相互替代的、具有统一性、几乎可无穷拆分的同质化通证,NFT具有独特性,不能以一换一,也不可分割。就如同世上没有两片相同的树叶,世界上也没有完全相同的两个NFT。因为,NFT 的智能合约中都嵌入一种可进行身份识别信息,也就是说每个NFT都拥有独一无二的“编号”。也因此,NFT成为纪录和存储包括艺术品、游戏和收藏品等数字产品所有权的理想选择。 NFT是否为骗局 NFT目前是个蒸蒸日上的方向,但是区块链行业,态势变化日新月异,各位还是要谨慎。普通人用合适的姿势进场完全OK,但一定要控制在自己的能力范围之内,而且任何投资都是基于多做研究少下手。不过可以肯定的是,深入研究一定不会有坏处,对任何新鲜事物的诞生,我们都不应该排斥它,而是要尝试去了解它,去接纳它,最后去应用它。所以NFT并不是骗局。 NFT的投资机会 当前的NFT领域主要有两种投资的途径,一种是投资NFT资产,一种是投资NFT相关概念的代币。但不管是哪一种方式,建议是出于自身的爱好和兴趣,或是押注一些有价值潜力的平台,而不是过于投机与跟风投资,因为当前的NFT市场投资逻辑仍未有成熟的逻辑和体系。 1、投资NFT单品 第一种是投资NFT单品,比如说加密艺术品、收藏品、游戏道具、虚拟土地等等。 就交易市场的表现而言,NFT排名前十的项目当前仍主要集中在加密收藏品、游戏、虚拟土地这几个领域。投资者可以选择感兴趣或者心仪的项目去选购和收藏一些单品。 但需要注意的是,投资单品对投资人门槛要求较高,逻辑更为复杂。因此建议投资是纯粹从兴趣出发,而非投资目的。 首先对个人的审美、鉴赏、收藏能力有一定要求,若非长期研究、关注加密艺术行业,现在不建议购买单品,否则可能完全达不到投资预期。 2、投资NFT概念代币 第二种方式是投资NFT概念相关的代币,它们本身并不是NFT资产,而是NFT项目(应用)的原生治理代币或功能代币,或者为NFT提供基础设施的公链代币。 相对于直接投资NFT来说,投资概念代币的逻辑要简单很多,参与起来也很方便。在NFT持续火热下,不少NFT的概念代币价格也水涨船高。根据Coingecko数据显示,NFT概念币共有100多种,目前排名前100的NFT代币总市值72.08亿美元,24小时成交额13.59亿美元。 3、发行自己的NFT 除了前两种投资方式,如果你是想自己参与发行NFT,可以在 OpenSea、Rarible 等NFT铸造平台上上传文件。目前NFT支持多种文件形式和格式,包括视觉文件(JPG、PNG、GIF 等)、音乐文件、(MP3 等)、3D 文件(GLB 等)等等。先提前准备好文件,在平台上连接钱包并根据提示将文件上传,设置好基本信息如NFT数量、作品描述、版税比例等即可。 针对上面我们说到的机会和风险,这里给大家几点建议: 1、NFT一级市场每天都有新的项目,筛选项目我们要首先剔除一些无背景、无热度、无设计、无模式的劣质项目,只保留看起来比较优质的项目。一定一定要收集好项目方的背景资料,在NFT市场中选择比努力更重要。 2、对于热门的NFT,如果你想买,最好不要追高,而是等到前面几波获利盘出货的时候,因为一般不少人会在涨2~3倍的时候出货,而NFT的流动性相对差,波动大,这个时候抄底就会比较爽。 3、通过NFT的社群圈子和项目方社群,观察社区的活跃程度,也是衡量NFT发行和交易是否能够获利的方式之一。 4、一般情况下,普通玩家就买买地板货就好,这样将来再地板价卖也不心疼,而且地板货流动性最好。 5、千万不要在NFT市场乱逛,然后根据自己的”审美“,去发现所谓的”潜力品“,然后自以为是的去囤一堆。NFT的逻辑,根本不是好不好看,而是项目方背景、市场运营、大V是否推、资本方炒不炒。要顺应市场,而不是试图去发现市场。 想要投资顶级的NFT?可以详细了解下JTeam战队NFT项目: JTeam是由周杰伦在台北创立的电竞战队,旗下拥有《英雄联盟》分部、《英雄联盟手游》分部、《和平精英》分部、《永劫无间》分部等职业战队,在电竞领域取得了不可小觑的成就。首次发售1000个NFT以及赠送粉丝勋章详情请见: 1.关于JTeam NFT:点击此进入官网查看 2.怎麽參與JTeam NFT項目 3.關於J Fans粉絲勛章以及冠軍J俱乐部NFT的發售 4.Tw:https://twitter.com/jfans_space